In this blog excerpt from the Shiva Sutras: The Supreme Awakening, Swami Lakshmanjoo explains the definition of our Self in three ways. He says “There is a difference in these three explanations of the Self…
In the first awakening, in the first sūtra of the first awakening, is the definition of your own Self. And in the second awakening, in this first sūtra of the second awakening also he has defined the reality of the Self. And in third also he explains the reality of the Self.”
uccārarahitaṁ vastu cetasaiva vicintayan /
yaṁ samāveśamāpnoti śāktaḥ so’trābhidhīyate //
(Mālinīvijaya Tantra 2.22 – not recited in full)
When that object . . . the object of perception (not differentiated perception), that object of your own nature is meditated upon by thought only, not by recitation, by not reciting; you should not recite mantras, only by thought you maintain awareness on that object; the one who does like this and gets entry, that way of entry is called śāktopāya. That is the way of śāktopāya.
ityāmnātaṁ śāktopāyaṁ vivicya, avadhāna avaliptaṁ prati
When maintenance of awareness is lacking, to some people who are treading on the path of śāktopāya, some lack maintaining of awareness, for them . . .
‘vidyā samhāre tadutha svapnadarśanam’ (2.10)
. . . this last sūtra is explained. Vidyā samhāre tadutha svapna darśanam that śuddhavidyā gets destroyed by lack of awareness and he gets entry, vidyā samhāre tadutha svapna darśanam when that śuddhavidyā gets destroyed by lack of awareness he gets entry in the state of dreams. He is put . . . his entry is sentenced to the dreaming state. Not wakefulness.
And from there God knows what will happen to him in the future?
So he has lost everything, he is really pauper from the yogic point of view.
iti sūtreṇa etadanuṣaṅgeṇa āṇavopāyapratipādanasya avakāśo dattaḥ / iti śivaṁ
So he has given way to explain the way of āṇavopāya also. For him who lacks awareness and gets entry in dreaming state, for that person, āṇavopāya will be explained, i.e., how he can maintain awareness by and by and reach and get entry in śāktopāya and in the end in śāmbhavopāya.
|| End of text for 10 sūtra. ||
This is the lesson.
End of Second Awakening.
Śiva Sūtra Vimarśinī
Third Awakening
In the first awakening it was the explanation of śāmbhavopāya, in the second it was of śāktopāya and in this third now will be explained āṇavopāya.
In the first awakening, in the first sūtra of the first awakening, is the definition of your own Self. And in the second awakening, in this first sūtra of second awakening also he has defined the reality of the Self. And in third also he explains the reality of the Self.
But there is a difference in these three explanations.
The first explanation is because the Self there is situated in śāmbhavopāya, in his real way of being. So there he has put “caitanyamātmā”–first sūtra: God consciousness is the reality of the Self. Caitanya means God consciousness; independent God consciousness.
In the second awakening of Śiva Sūtra, he has put “cittaṁ mantraḥ” not Self, the mind. He has gone a bit down from ‘Being’ to the experience of the impressions of thoughts. So he is residing there in the world of mind, not in the world of his real nature. But his mind is so purified there that his mind has become the embodiment of mantras, all mantras. The embodiment of all the mantras is ahaṁ, I-consciousness, supreme I-consciousness.
In this third awakening, he has again explained the formation of the self, and that self is absolutely one with the limited state of thought, and mind.
Now he will explain that in this sūtra.
idānīmāṇavopāyaṁ pratipādayiṣuḥ, aṇoḥ tāvat svarūpaṁ darśayati ––
Now while explaining the third awakening of Śiva Sūtras–āṇavopāya–he puts forth the formation of individual being. Aṇoḥ tāvat svarūpaṁ; aṇo means individual being, the formation of individual being is explained in this sūtra.
Individual being is the mind entangled in the wheel of repeated birth and death.
This is from the third awakening of Śiva Sūtras–āṇavopāya…
Source: End of second awakening and intro to third awakening,
from the Shiva Sutras, The Supreme Awakening, by Swami Lakshmanjoo)
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