Swamiji Says Blog
Universal Shaiva Fellowship
The meaning and importance of the Aghora Mantra in Kashmir Shaivism abhinavagupta aghora bhagavad gita kashmir shaivism mantra sangha secret supreme svachandanatha tantra tantraloka yamas and niyamas Jun 27, 2023

This is a lecture that explains the Aghora Mantra in detail. In the summer of 1989, John Hughes received a letter from Swami Lakshmanjoo writing to him about the Aghora Mantra and its importance, after having the darshan of Svachanda Bhairava. In the following excerpt from the Weekly Sangha, you will learn more about this mantra and its significance for Kashmir Shaivism and your own practice, and the whole world.

This is the first part in a two-part series. In part two we go...

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Lakshmanjoo Academy
The Schools and systems of Kashmir Shaivism
The Schools and systems of Kashmir Shaivism secret supreme spanda trika Jun 27, 2023

Kashmir Shaivism is known as the Pure Trika System. The word trika means “the threefold science of man and his world.”

"Trika system is meant for any human being, without the restriction of caste, creed or color." ~Swami Lakshmanjoo

In this excerpt from the book Kashmir Shaivism, The Secret Supreme, Chapter 19, Swamiji explains the four sub-systems of this philosophy.

The Schools of Kashmir Shaivism

Kashmir Shaivism is known as the Pure Trika System. The word ...

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