Swamiji Says Blog
Universal Shaiva Fellowship
Lakshmanjoo Academy
The end of suffering
The end of suffering joy pain shaktipata [grace] suffering May 27, 2024

Which practice leads us to the cessation of suffering? How can we end suffering?

Below is an excerpt from the Online Course - Grace on the Spiritual Path in Kashmir Shaivism in which Swamiji answers the question about why we suffer and when and how it will end. 



GRACE - Audio 1 Track 2 (16:27)

स सवयं कलपिताकारविकलपातमकरमभिः ।

बधनातयातमानमेवेह सवातनतरयादिति वरणितम ॥॥


sa svayam kalpitakara-vikalpatmakakarmabhih  /


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Lakshmanjoo Academy
Why doesn’t Lord Shiva give grace to everyone? - (Grace in Kashmir Shaivism Part 2)
Why doesn’t Lord Shiva give grace to everyone? - (Grace in Kashmir Shaivism Part 2) disciple fife acts masters shaktipata [grace] supreme medium grace [tivramadhyashaktipata] Apr 04, 2024

In this excerpt from the 10th chapter [Grace] from Kashmir Shaivism: The Secret Supreme, Swamiji explains why Lord Shiva doesn’t give grace to everyone.

(The text below is the transcript of the original audio and not the text of the book)

And there is another kind of grace, tivramadhyashaktipata, supreme medium shaktipata.
JOHN: Grace.
SWAMIJI: Yes. That [previous lecture] was [#1] super supreme. It is [#2] super medium.
JOHN: Super medium grace, madhyama.
SWAMIJI: Supreme madhyama....

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How will people be initiated in Kashmir Shaivism initiation kashmir shaivism shaktipata [grace] swami lakshmanjoo Jan 02, 2024

In 1990, while commenting on Abhinavagupta’s rendering of the Bhagavad Gita, Swami Lakshmanjoo made a statement regarding initiation. At that time he was asked how will people be initiated after he was gone from this world? "Through viewing this!" he replied, and he pointed at the camera.

It is well known that the great masters of Kashmir Shaivism were not restricted to their bodies. Like the masters before him, Swamiji was a Universal Being existing everywhere, free from any limitation...

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