In this excerpt from the Shiva Sutras – The Supreme Awakening, third awakening, Verse 4) Swami Lakshmanjoo explains how “You must do this kind of practice for subsiding the power of ignorance, the power of illusion.”
atasca etatprasamaya
So etat prasamaya, for subsiding this limitation of life, limitation of being . . .
sarire samharah kalanam // 4 //
You must make all the circles (kalas) in your body enter one into the other from gross to subtle.
. . ....
In this excerpt from the end of chapter 7 and the concluding verse of the Bhagavad Gita, In the Light of Kashmir Shaivism, Swami Lakshmanjoo explains the importance of meditation during your life in Kashmir Shaivism. We are presenting two translations by Swamiji, recorded at different times of his life. The first is a video recording made in Swamiji’s later years, and the second is an audio lecture recorded earlier.
DVD 7 (1:16:40)
Swami Lakshmanjoo explains to us what aiming means in the context of meditation in this excerpt from the Shiva Sutras, The Supreme Awakening. The Shiva Sutras is a pure monistic text. It was revealed to Vasugupta by Lord Shiva directly, in verses written under a giant rock in Kashmir. This is from the first awakening, verse 16.
16. suddha-tattva-samdhanadva’pasusaktih //
By aiming at the pure element of Siva, he possesses Siva’s unlimited energy.

SWAMIJI: No, go on meditating and go in giving training, treatment, to your mind for gaining onepointedness. That is all. You have to gain onepointedness...

This lecture is an excerpt from the Vijnana Bhairava: The Manual for Self Realization by Swami Lakshmanjoo).
Introduction by John Hughes: “The narrative begins with Bhairavi, feigning ignorance, telling Bhairava that, even though She has heard all the various theories and explanations of the nature of reality, She still has doubts and is not completely satisfied. She implores Bhairava, “What is the real essence of the way we have to tread? Please, O Lord, remove My doubts...
In this excerpt from the Essence of the Supreme Reality: Abhinavagupta’s Paramarthasara, Swami Lakshmanjoo reminds us that “No matter what happens, go on remembering God and He will carry you.”
PS DVD 5 (00:42:39)
तसमात सनमारगेऽसमिन
निरतो यः कशचिदेति स शिवतवम ।
इति मतवा परमारथे
यथातथापि परयतनीयम ॥॥
tasmat sanmarge’smin
nirato yah kascideti sa s...

In this excerpt, Swamiji explains what meditation really is.
This is from Abhinavagupta’s Tantraloka 9th Ahnika, revealed by Swami Lakshmanjoo, from the audio archives of the Lakshmanjoo Academy Copyright © John Hughes

QUESTION: What kind of action is meditating?
SWAMIJI: It is not action, it is knowledge, it is cognition. Meditating is recitation of breath, it is just knowledge.
JOHN: That rest in jnanendriya or where? Or in manas [mind], buddhi [intellect] and ahamkara...

In today’s excerpt, Swamiji explains the most important ingredient to meditation. This is from Tantraloka Chapter 11 verse 81, from the Archives of the Lakshmanjoo Academy, recorded by John Hughes. All Content is subject to Copyright © John Hughes.
taduktam varadena srisiddhayogisvarimate // 81 //
tena guptena guptaste sesa varnastviti sphutam /
This is why Bhagavan Bhairava, Lord Siva, has explained in Malinivijaya tantra that when meditation, or any practice, is done without the...

In this excerpt from the Manual for Self Realization: 112 Meditations of the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, verses 155 – 156, Swami Lakshmanjoo reveals what japa (repetition of a sacred word) really means and how to do it successfully.
“Japa is automatic recitation of breath. It is available to everybody, 24 hours a day.” ~Swami Lakshmanjoo
Listen to the audio below and read along with the transcript to learn more…
सकारेण बहिरयाति
The most important point about meditation is contained within this lecture. It explains very clearly how to meditate with one-pointedness. This excerpt is from Chapter 5 of the Bhagavad Gita, In the Light of Kashmir Shaivism, by Swami Lakshmanjoo).
This Saturday, May 9th, we celebrate Swami Lakshmanjoo’s Birthday. You are invited to join us online via webstream. Please join us also for our annual four-day retreat, May 10-13th, held online for the first time. Read more and register...