In this excerpt from the Manual for Self Realization: 112 Meditations of the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, Dharana 28, verse 51, Swami Lakshmanjoo reveals how "one is born anew in days, not in months." His advice is one of the major practices of Kashmir Shaivism.

Dhāraṇā 28
यथा तथा यत्र तत्र
द्वादशान्ते मनः क्षिपेत् ।
प्रतिक्षणं क्षीणवृत्ते-
र्वैलक्षण्यं दिनैर्भवेत् ॥५१॥
yathā tathā yatra tatra
dvādaśānte manaḥ kṣipet /
pratikṣaṇaṁ kṣīṇavṛtter-
vailakṣaṇyaṁ dinairbhavet // 51 //
Next, fifty-one.
Or, in each and every action, focus your mind in dvādaśānta*. Yathā tathā yatra tatra dvādaśānte manaḥ kṣipet, when you are walking or talking, or doing some household work, or doing any other nonsense act, just concentrate your mind on [any] dvādaśānta. Your mind must hold the state of dvādaśānta in each and every act of your daily routine of life. But this must be held in continuity (pratikṣaṇa). Then, one is born anew. One is born anew in days, not in months. Vailakṣaṇyaṁ dinair bhavet, some days will take place and he will be born anew, he will become new, all-round new.
This is āṇavopāya towards śāmbhavopāya.
JOHN: Both fifty and fifty-one are āṇavopāya?
SWAMIJI: Fifty is śāktopāya. Fifty-one is āṇavopāya to śāmbhavopāya.
DEVOTEE: How is the area of dvādaśānta found?
SWAMIJI: For instance, I have put the [spectacles] in my case and I am taking it [out]. Just do all these [mundane] actions in that, in that awareness of dvādaśānta. That state must be held in each and every act, in continuity. If [your awareness] remains in continuity, then you will be born anew in days, not in months. Some days will be . . .
DEVOTEE: . . . enough.
SWAMIJI: Um, yes.
For this śloka, “kṣanair bhavet” is another reading. Vailakṣaṇ-yaṁ, vailakṣaṇātha, something new will happen to him, not in days, [but] in moments–vailakṣaṇyaṁ kṣanair bhavet.
JOHN: And the other reading is, “after some time.”
SWAMIJI: In days, in days, not in months. It won’t take a month. In a few days, you will get that bliss.
JAGDISH: “Kṣīṇa vṛtter” is the sādhaka?
SWAMIJI: Kṣīṇa vṛtter sādhakasya, the sādhaka who is kṣīṇa vṛtter, whose mind is just one-pointed, who has become one-pointed, [this happens] to him, not to that sādhaka whose mind is not one-pointed.
GEORGE: Is dvādaśānta a state or dvādaśānta is the heart?
SWAMIJI: No, dvādaśānta is the center, any center. Wherever you go, if you are talking, put your mind in the center. If you are laughing, put there also your mind in the center. That is to be done. It is not to just only laugh. While laughing, you have to put your mind in the center. While making jokes, put your mind in the center without a break. Because the center, once you have realized [it]–you just breathe in and breathe out and be acquainted with the center–and that center you have to visualize in each and every movement of your livelihood. It must come into your vision. That is . . .
JOHN: State of dvādaśānta.
SWAMIJI: . . . dvādaśānta.
Yathā tathā yatra tatra, it is not only in the pūjā room, the meditation room. While walking, while doing any absurd things, dvādaśānte manaḥ kṣipet, the mind must be centered in dvādaśānta. Any movement, in any movement, not once, not twice, not thrice, [but] pratikṣaṇa, in continuity you have to put that mind in dvādaśānta. Then kṣīṇa vṛtter, his mind will cease to function. His mind will cease to function altogether and he will become a new man in some moments, or in a few days, not months. Then nothing is to be done afterwards. Then his everything is there.
The state of dvādaśānta is not only between the two eyebrows, [or] only [in the throat pit], [or] only in the heart.
GEORGE: That center, any center178.
SWAMIJI: Any center!
SWAMIJI: Bas, you must visualize it. You must keep it in vision and then put your mind breaklessly [there], without a break, then you will become new within days, or within moments.