Swamiji Says Blog
Universal Shaiva Fellowship
Lakshmanjoo Academy
What a yogi must do in this internal battle - Bhagavad Gita in a Nutshell
What a yogi must do in this internal battle - Bhagavad Gita in a Nutshell abhinavagupta bhagavad gītā kashmir shaivism Dec 15, 2023

Abhinavagupta tells us that there is a war going on between our senses. In the senses there is joy, and joy fights with sadness, sadness fights with joy. In this excerpt, we will learn what a yogi must do in this internal battle.

This video snippet is part one of the Essence of the Bhagavad Gita, as composed by the renowned 10th-century CE philosopher/saint Abhinavagupta. There are eighteen sangraha slokas, which are based on Abhinavagupta’s illuminating and original commentary, known...

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Lakshmanjoo Academy
Special Lecture on Grace in Kashmir Shaivism
Special Lecture on Grace in Kashmir Shaivism kashmir shaivism sacred shiva sutras shaktipata Dec 15, 2023

This talk on shaktipata [grace] was given by Swamiji in July 1978 on Shankarpal Rock, in Dachigam Forest, near the village of Harvan (just a few miles from Swamiji’s Ashram). This is also known as Shiva Rock, where the Sacred Shiva Sutras were revealed to Vasugupta, in the 8th century, AD.

Here, Swamiji explains grace in the Light of Kashmir Shaivism. To learn more about this subject check out our webinar “Grace on the Spiritual Path” which is extensively...

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Lakshmanjoo Academy
Three States of awareness from a yogic point of view
Three States of awareness from a yogic point of view kashmir shaivism shiva sutras three states of awareness Dec 14, 2023

In Kashmir Shaivism, there are three states of awareness which Swami Lakshmanjoo explains here: first from the ordinary person's point of view, and then from the yogic point of view.

This is an excerpt from the Shiva Sutras: The Supreme Awakening, by Swami Lakshmanjoo, first awakening verses 8-10.


Now he explains this jagrat (wakefulness), svapna (dreaming), and susupti (dreamless sleep) in three sutras…

8. jñanam jagrat //

External organic knowledge...

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Lakshmanjoo Academy
How Lord Shiva bestows grace to people - a very different Shaktipata - in Kashmir Shaivism
How Lord Shiva bestows grace to people - a very different Shaktipata - in Kashmir Shaivism grace kashmir shaivism shaktipata Dec 14, 2023

In this beautiful excerpt from the Hymns to Shiva, Utpaladeva’s Shivastotravali (Chapter 14 verse 15) Swami Lakshmanjoo explains how Lord Shiva bestows grace to people – a very different Shaktipata – in Kashmir Shaivism, and why.

To learn more about grace also check out our online course “Grace on the Spiritual Path”.

Without qualifications, You bestow grace to people! That is saktipata. ~Swami Lakshmanjoo


Chapter 14a (40:37)


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Lakshmanjoo Academy
What is meditation?
What is meditation? kashmir shaivism meditation Dec 14, 2023

In this excerpt, Swamiji explains what meditation really is.

This is from Abhinavagupta’s Tantraloka 9th Ahnika, revealed by Swami Lakshmanjoo, from the audio archives of the Lakshmanjoo Academy Copyright © John Hughes


QUESTION: What kind of action is meditating?

SWAMIJI: It is not action, it is knowledge, it is cognition. Meditating is recitation of breath, it is just knowledge.

JOHN: That rest in jnanendriya or where? Or in manas [mind], buddhi [intellect] and ahamkara...

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Lakshmanjoo Academy
What are Malas (Impurities) in Kashmir Shaivism - Parātrīśikā Vivarana
What are Malas (Impurities) in Kashmir Shaivism - Parātrīśikā Vivarana kashmir shaivism malas parātrīśikā vivarana Dec 14, 2023
This is another post about this important subject in Kashmir Shaivism, “What are Malas (impurities)“.

Here are two excerpts from the unpublished manuscript of the Parātrīśikā Vivarana by Swami Lakshmanjoo, from the Audio Archives of the Lakshmanjoo Academy.
Copyright @ John Hughes, all rights reserved.



mayiyakarmamalamulamusanti tavad

ajnananamamalamanavameva bhadrah /

bijam tadeva bhavajirnataroh parasmin

samvinnisatadahane dahate ksanena //


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Lakshmanjoo Academy
How to find God Consciousness in the daily routine of life
How to find God Consciousness in the daily routine of life good conciousness kashmir shaivism spanda Jul 24, 2023

A central theme of the philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism is the highly esoteric principle known as spanda which means vibrationless/vibration or established stable movement. In Shaivism there are two texts that deal specifically with the spanda principal. The Spanda Karika (precise philosophical statements) on the Spanda theory and the Spanda Sandoha (exposition) of the spanda principle.

The theory of spanda was hidden in the body of the Tantras and was extracted by Vasugupta and given to us in...

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Lakshmanjoo Academy
What is real initiation
What is real initiation fivefold contacts initiation kashmir shaivism Jul 24, 2023

Swami Lakshmanjoo explains what is initiation and what is its most important feature. This excerpt is from the book, Kashmir Shaivism The Secret Supreme by Swami Lakshmanjoo, Chapter Twelve.

The Fivefold Contacts of Masters and Disciples

In this universe from time immemorial, the initiation of masters has taken place from Lord Śiva up to the mortal beings. This contact of the master with the disciple takes place in five different ways. The highest contact of the master with the disciple...

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Lakshmanjoo Academy
What is triple awareness in Kashmir Shaivism
What is triple awareness in Kashmir Shaivism kashmir shaivism shiva sutras triple awareness Jul 24, 2023
In this excerpt from the Shiva Sutras: The Supreme Awakening Swami Lakshmanjoo explains how a “yogī whose God consciousness is destroyed by the state of illusion becomes dependent on his action.” Swamiji then reveals how to overcome this with “Triple awareness.”


“Triple awareness carries one to God Consciousness!” ~Swami Lakshmanjoo


Shiva Sutras 3.35

35. mohapratisamhatastu karmatma //

The yogi whose God consciousness is destroyed...

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Lakshmanjoo Academy
There are two kinds of glories in Kashmir Shaivism, as explained by Swami Lakshmanjoo
There are two kinds of glories in Kashmir Shaivism, as explained by Swami Lakshmanjoo divine glory kashmir shaivism moksha Jul 24, 2023

In this excerpt from the Bhagavad Gita in the Light of Kashmir Shaivism, chapter 16, Swami Lakshmanjoo explains that there are two kinds of glories in Kashmir Shaivism:

“Now, Lord Siva (Lord Krsna) says that there are two kinds of glories: one is divine glory, one is not divine glory. Divine glory shines in those who are blessed and the symptoms of divine glory are what He says now.”


Chapter 16

DVD 16 (00:01)

अभयः सततवसंशुदधिरजञानयोगवयवसथितिः 

दानं दमशच यजञशच सवाध...

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The stages of mind and the joy of an appeased mind bhagavad gita kashmir shaivism mind Jul 24, 2023

This is Swami Lakshmanjoo’s translation of chapter 6, verses 21 to 24, of Abhinavagupta’s commentary of the Bhagavad Gita explaining the stages of mind and the joy of an appeased mind in Kashmir Shaivism.

In the summer of 1987 Swami Lakshmanjoo began compiling important verses from the various scriptures he had studied throughout his life. Each Sunday he would distribute one or two slokas to devotees, at the same time giving in brief their essential meaning. In all Swamiji...

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Lakshmanjoo Academy
The Seven States of the Seven Perceivers in Kashmir Shaivism
The Seven States of the Seven Perceivers in Kashmir Shaivism kashmir shaivism seven perceivers the secret supreme Jul 24, 2023

In this excerpt from his book Kashmir Shaivism – The Secret Supreme, Swami Lakshmanjoo explains the Seven States of the Seven Perceivers (pramātṛis), and their respective energies (pramātṛi śaktis), a subject unique to Kashmir Shaivism.

Chapter Eight

The Seven States of the Seven Perceivers (Pramātṛin)

Now, let us discuss the seven states of the seven pramātṛins (perceivers) and their importance. The first state is called sakala. The sakala state is that state where perception...

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