There are three types of spiritual joy (sukha) in Kashmir Shaivism: sattvic sukha, rajas sukha, and tamas sukha. In this excerpt from the Bhagavad Gita, In the Light of Kashmir Shaivism, by Swami Lakshmanjoo, chapter 18, verse 36-37, Swami Lakshmanjoo explains sukha of sattvic [kind] and how this joy seems poisonous in the beginning.
Chapter 18 Part 2
DVD 18b (00:01)
सुखं तविदानीं तरिविधं शृणु मे भरतरषभ ।
अभयासादरमते यतर दुःखानतं च नियचछति ॥॥
Swami Lakshmanjoo talks to Alice Christensen about the final goal in Kashmir Shaivism and what it is like to reach it.
Now with transcript. For Spanish translation scroll down…
This excerpt contains a very rare glimpse into the perceptions of a true yogi, Swami Lakshmanjoo, as he reveals the real goal of Kashmir Shaivism and talks about kundalini.
Alice: Swamiji, and in the Shaivite philosophy you are the greatest living authority in Shaivism. The Yamas and Niyamas are an...

In this excerpt from the Hymns to Shiva, Utpaladeva’s Shivastotravali, Swami Lakshmanjoo explains Utpaladeva’s wonder about being a “slave” to Lord Shiva without seeing his master.
Chapter 12 (58:58)
भगवनभवदिचछयैव दास –
सतव जातोऽसमि परसय नातर शकतिः ।
कथमेष तथापि वकतरबिमबं
तव पशयामि न जातु चितरमेतत ॥॥
bhagavanbhavadicchayaiva dasa-
stava jato’smi parasya natra saktih /
kathamesa tathapi vaktrabimbam
tava pasyami na jatu citrametat //26//
...In these two excerpts, Swami Lakshmanjoo answers the question of how to know which is the true path. The first excerpt is from the Hymns to Shiva, Utpaladeva's Shivastotravali, the second is from the Magical Jewel of Devotion, Stavacintamani by Bhaṭṭa Nārāyaṇa, as revealed by Swami Lakshmanjoo.
Download and listen to the audio here.
Chapter 2 (1:01:24)
सरवाशङकाशनिं सरवा-
लकषमीकालानलं तथा ।
मारगं माहेशवरं नुमः ॥॥
This is a lecture of Swamiji given in Kashmiri translated into English. You can also listen and read more about the Systems and Schools of Shaivism by visiting this blog excerpt from the book Kashmir Shaivism, The Secret Supreme, Chapter 19, where Swamiji explains the four sub-systems of this philosophy in English.
Long after Sage Durvasa was first initiated into Shaivism by Lord Shiva on Mount Kailash, the Lord felt the need of explaining it in still greater detail...

Swami Lakshmanjoo explains the different ways of (sattvic, rajasic, tamasic) acting in this universal drama, as revealed in the Shiva Sutras: The Supreme Awakening, by Swami Lakshmanjoo. (The transcript below is different than the book text)
[Intro for sutra 10.]
Now in his theatrical dress evamvidhasya asya jagat natya nartakasya, while he steps in the play of drama, acting, his way of acting is explained in next sutra, the 3rd chapter, 10th sutra.
rango ‘ntaratma // 10 //
Ranga means...

This is an excerpt from Swami Lakshmanjoo’s publication: Light on Tantra in Kashmir Shaivism – Abhinavagupta’s Tantraloka Volume 2 Chapters Two & Three.
Tantrāloka is the voluminous masterwork of the 10th-century philosopher-saint Abhinavagupta. It is a veritable encyclopedia of non-dual Shaivism, a spiritual treasure trove containing a glorious synthesis of all the schools that make up Kashmir Shaivism.
This second volume includes chapters two and three,...

This is the continuation of the Bodhapañcadaśikā by Abhinavagupta, who wrote the [15 verses of wisdom] ‘those dear devotees who are not intellectually inclined”. See previous verse 10 here.
यदेतसयापरिजञानं ततसवातनतरयं हि वरणितम ।
स एव खलु संसारो जडानां यो विभीषकः ॥
yadetasya-parijñanam tat-svatantryam hi varnitam /
sa eva khalu samsaro jadanam yo vibhisakah // 11 //
Yadetasya apari-jñanam, now if we don’t understand like...

This is the continuation of a previous lecture on the Bodhapañcadaśikā by Abhinavagupta, who wrote the [15 verses of wisdom]. In this part, Swamiji is explaining the 10th verse…
“Time only appears, it does not exist.” ~Swami Lakshmanjoo
तेषु वैचितरयमतयनतमूरधवाधसतिरयगेव यत ।
भुवनानि तदंशाशच सुखदुःखमतरभवः ॥॥
tesu vaicitryam-atyantam-urdhvadha-stiryageva yat /
bhuvanani tad-amsasca sukha-duhkham-atir-bhavah // 10 //
In the previous sloka he has...

In this excerpt from the Manual for Self Realization: 112 Meditations of the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, (verses 14-16) Swami Lakshmanjoo explains why "the state (avastha) of fullness, which is Bharitakara, the qualification of Bhairavi, belongs to Bhairava. This state, which is of Bhairavi, belongs to Bhairava.”

What is the right path? He puts that now.
देशोददेशाविशेषिणी ।
वकथया परमारथतः ॥॥
अनतः सवानुभवानन...

In this excerpt, from the Manual for Self Realization: 112 Meditations of the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, (verses 16b-19), Swami Lakshmanjoo answers the question of whether there is a difference of supremeness between Lord Siva and Parvati. In order to answer this, he first clarifies who is to be worshiped and who is the worshiper.

एवंविधे परे तततवे
कः पूजयः कशच तृपयति ॥॥
evamvidhe pare tattve
kah pujyah kasca trpyati // 16b //
When you put this thing in your view, evam...

Which practice leads us to the cessation of suffering? How can we end suffering?
Below is an excerpt from the Online Course - Grace on the Spiritual Path in Kashmir Shaivism in which Swamiji answers the question about why we suffer and when and how it will end.
GRACE - Audio 1 Track 2 (16:27)
स सवयं कलपिताकारविकलपातमकरमभिः ।
बधनातयातमानमेवेह सवातनतरयादिति वरणितम ॥॥
sa svayam kalpitakara-vikalpatmakakarmabhih /